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Charter School Competition
In June 2024 the Charity was approached by one of the teachers at Charter School in Bermondsey as his class had entered a competition involving charities and they had chosen ours to compete for a prize of £1000 to be donated to a charity of the winning team.
The charity First Give exists to promote a social conscience in the young. One of its activities is to run a competition in which school pupils will give a presentation to a panel of judges, and the presentation which is judged the best wins a donation of £1000 from First Give to the charity that the presentation is about.
Students learn about social issues in their communities and, as a class, chose a charity to represent. Charities involved meet the class so the students can learn more about their work and how to help them with any social action activities like fund raising, publicity, volunteering and any other activity that raises awareness and helps.
Students learn public speaking skills and put together creative presentations about the work of their charity and what the class has done to support it.
The Chair of the Friends of Origin visited Charter School in June 2024 and talked to the year 9 class of pupils about the work of the charity and the social needs we try to help with. They had already carried out an impressive amount of research and had come up with ideas to help, including well designed publicity leaflets and social media publicity ideas. If they won the £1000 for the Friends ideas of how it could be spent were suggested.
In July 2024 the class visited Somers Town to see the area where the charity started and still is responsible for supporting many tenants. They visited the Peoples Museum in Somers Town where they saw the history of the attempts to relieve the problems of a dreadful slum area and what is currently being achieved today. They were taken on a tour of the area and learned about what had been achieved and still needed to be done.
Later that month the class did their presentation to the judges and, while they did not win the prize, the students clearly learned a lot and it was helpful for the Friends to also learn from the perspective of enthusiastic concerned young people.
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